Not only can I see Spirits, I can talk to them. I have dedicated my life to helping heal both the living and the dead. By teaching the living about the Spirits that are in their homes or in their lives, I can help my clients understand how to coexist with them. By connecting with loved ones who are in the process of passing or have already passed, I can bring comfort to them and their loved ones during the family’s time of transition.
For those Spirits that become lost during their transition from this life to the next, I can help them understand why they got lost; maybe they felt the need to stay and look after a loved one or there is a message that needs to be delivered to their loved ones. Once I am able to communicate to the Spirit that it is time to move on, I am able to guide them through to the other side to reunite with their loved ones who have gone before them.
My entire life I have done everything with absolute love. It is through the love I have for Spirit that I am able to help my clients to understand how to connect to the Universal love and Spirit that is all around us.